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Climax Help
Orgasm during Intercourse • Achieve an orgasm with your partner • Achieve an orgasm on your own
10% of all proceeds goes to CLITORAID.
Chisholm Oz-Lee, Producer of film on FGM "Lost Maiden"
‘I’m here to make a difference’ –
The wind of change continues to blow over Nollywood as more and more professionals are crossing over to swell its ranks. The latest entrant is Chisom Oz-lee, a pretty up-coming U.S based producer/actress. She was in the country recently to shoot a new film starring Ramsey Nouah, Uche Jombo and Mona Lisa Chinda. I had a few words with her and this is what went down.
"Lost Maiden" Movie Trailer
Producer, Chisholm Oz-Lee
Desert Flower Full - Trailer
Waris Dirie (Liya Kebede Staring) New Movie - Trailer
Soy Fashionista support to Clitoraid

"Soy Vida, Amor, y Orgullo...Soy Fashionista"
Why Are American Doctors Mutilating Girls? by Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Update: After only a month of criticism—including from Nomad author Ayaan Hirsi Ali, below—the American Academy of Pediatrics has reversed a policy that advised American doctors to give a ceremonial pinprick to girls of immigrant families so that they would avoid seeking a full circumcision.
Vision Action Change (Artists Against Female Genital Mutilation) CD
Compilation - Vision Action Change (Artists Against Female Genital Mutilation)
Africa Rising
Africa Rising, The Grassroots Movement To End Female Genital Mutilation...
Desert Flower Full - Press Package PPT
Press Package PPT
10/07/09 Female Genital Mutilation Three Generations Later Community
Female Genital Mutilation Three Generations Later has won an honorable mention in Nicholas Kristof & Sheryl WuDunn's Half the Sky Contest ...
Good Vibes
GiVe is Good Vibrations' extensive donation and sponsorship program. For over 30 years we have partnered with hundreds of local and national non-profit organizations. By donating products, advertising and sponsorship for fundraisers, along with a percentage of retail sales, we've provided much needed support for women’s shelters, HIV/AIDS research, art programs, LGBT benefits, Breast Cancer awareness and much more.
10/11/09 Female Genital Mutilation Three Generations Later Democratic ...
It has been forty-two years and my mother still hasn't forgotten the day her parents decided to cut her or perform Female Genital Mutilation FGM on her She ...
09/21/09 Website launched to end female genital mutilation
Zikkir World - Washington DC,DC,USA
A website dedicated to tracking the response of the European Union (EU) to female genital mutilation (FGM) has been launched by Amnesty International ...

10/02/09 Kenya: Alarming rise of child sex abuse
Spero News - USA
The report also says that despite the government's efforts to stamp it out, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) continues among children mostly due to cultural...
09/10/09 Cutting Accelerating Change Zuniaorg
UNFPA and UNICEF are working towards accelerated abandonment of female genital mutilation cutting within 17 countries by 2012 The focus of this joint ...
10/02/09 Female Genital Mutilation, Islam and Leftist Silence
Canada Free Press - Toronto,Ontario,Canada
By Editor Friday, October 2, 2009 My recent NewsReal blog on Naomi Wolf and female genital mutilation (FGM) – also posted at and...
09/02/09 New documentary The Cut to educate about FGM Female Genital Care 2
Freelance journalist and photographer, Linda May Kallestein, has produced a short documentary, The Cut, aimed at raising awareness of the suffering to women ...
10/02/09 Female Genital Mutilation, Islam and Leftist Silence
AINA - Modesto,CA,USA
My recent NewsReal blog on Naomi Wolf and female genital mutilation (FGM) – also posted at and — has triggered a heated...
10/01/09 Female Genital Mutilation Islam and Leftist Silence Yahoo Answers
My recent NewsReal blog on Naomi Wolf and female genital mutilation FGM – also posted at Frontpagemagcom and Jihadwatchorg has triggered a heated debate in...
10/01/09 Gambia: NAMs, Others Sensitised On Harmful Traditional Practices - Washington,USA
It was also meant to share knowledge and strategies with other countries that have legislated against FGM, as well as to work towards a law against FGM...
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